
Enabling your transformation in a Pithy, Positive, and Productive 15 min episode

Authentic Energy : The Seeds Series

Are you interested in making a change in your life, big or small?

In this series we will be planting seeds in each episode to help you approach that change with awareness and choice. Each short episode gives you something that you can take away and put into action immediately. 

Links to all episodes are below.

Episode ONE: Values
Knowing what is important to you

HOMEWORK: Download and assess your own values here >>>Values Assessment. Use the worksheet to determine how you are living those values

Episode TWO: Beliefs
The voices in your head

Understanding your Beliefs helps you define your possibilities. Beliefs can be limiting or they could be inspirational. 

You may require some disruption to help you alter beliefs that are wired in and holding you back so that you can replace them with more inspirational beliefs. 

HOMEWORK: Rooting out the belief

Pick a Goal that you have been trying to achieve and answer these 4 questions for your goal: 

a.     I’m afraid if I reached this goal I would ___________ 

b.     In order to achieve this goal ________________ 

c.     People who achieve this goal are usually ________________ 

d.     People who can’t achieve this goal are usually ____________ 

If you have achieved a goal and you’re still not satisfied, think about the reason why you wanted to achieve that goal. What did you think achieving that goal was going to give you? Seek more of those things, because that is what you are truly after

Episode THREE: Thoughts
Change the moment, change your future

We have the opportunity to choose our own adventure in life when we are able to identify our own thoughts and begin adjusting the thoughts that aren’t serving us to experience the life that we want.

HOMEWORK: Play date with yourself.

Plan something unique that you would not normally do that will put you in your creative, right brain. The purpose is to disrupt our brain patterns to build new neurological pathways and create your new adventure. 

Episode FOUR: Emotions
Pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice

Emotions are the way our brain gives meaning to bodily sensations based on past experience. As we think something, we feel emotion, and chemicals are released in our body to prepare us to take action. Assigning a new thought to to an observation can create acceptance or peace and therefore, change our potential reaction to a stressful situation. This is why taking a deep breath can give you space to think a different thought, which changes the feeling, and therefore changes your chemical make-up. It’s science.

Join us as we dig in a little more to how to shift your emotions


HOMEWORK: The Journal

Pick an emotion that you would like to have more of or an emotion that you would like to have less of and start journaling whenever you experience that emotion and bring awareness to the frequency of those emotio

Episode FIVE: Behaviors
You are what you eat

Change is a choice. 3 layers of behavior change: Changing your outcome, Changing your process, Changing your identity (the deepest layer of behavior change)

HOMEWORK: Behavior Awareness

If you want to try to create awareness of your behaviors you can access the Behaviors Reflection Worksheet on WMBcoaching.com/behaviors or if you just want to disrupt those thoughts and take action, try using the 5-second rule from Mel Robbins this week and just do it!

Episode SIX: Recap + what is a coach?
Bringing it all together... and where to go from here

This last episode is a recap of the Seeds series. We talk briefly about some of the learnings we shared along the way and then we talk about what to do with those learnings. Finally, we thought that it might be helpful to share information about what a coach is, what it isn’t, what to expect and what it could cost. 

Authentic Energy Series: Sow

What steps do you take when you are considering a change? The SOW Series is about making changes in your life (personal, professional, etc.). 🐛 🦋

In this series, we walk through the change curve, and as we share personal stories and client examples of what to consider when you face change. 🌱

Link’s to the full episodes below

Episode ONE: Desire to change

What is the desire to change? How does it happen? Where can i find it? Why is there? What do i do with it?

HOMEWORK: Trying on Change.

What is the desire trigger that you are having? What is it’s root? What is the positive impact of this new outcome in your life?

Episode TWO: Assessing the Risk
To change or not to change

This week we tackle our second episode by addressing the importance of assessing risk before we make a change. 

We discuss the forms of change and how you can overcome the blockers to enable the change you seek.

HOMEWORK: The cost of change

Take some time and consider the change that you want to make and ask yourself

1. What is your current state and what is the cost/risk of doing nothing? what is the upside?

2.What is the cost/risk of making that change your considering? What is the upside?

Episode THREE: Opportunity
Assessing the Landscape

Opportunity is not just happenstance it is creating the circumstance. Listen to us unpack that statement along with other perspectives on opportunity and spotting it or creating it for yourself.

HOMEWORK: Abundance Ideation

  • Spend 5 minutes and consider What opportunities can we see and what opportunities can we not see that are available to us. Think Big, really push the limits, let nothing hold you back. 
  • Take a minute to write down the answer to this…If there were no limits, what would the opportunities be

Episode FOUR: Knowledge, Ability and Articulating your uniqueness

This episode is 4 of 6 in our Sow Series taking us to the next step in our change curve. Specifically, knowing your special awesomesauce recipe

Listen as we hone in on your Knowledge and Ability and Articulating your Uniqueness.

HOMEWORK: Get started on your uniqueness

List 2-3 skills

List 2-3 abilities 

Ask a few friends or colleagues to describe your uniqueness in 1-2 adjectives.

Episode FIVE: Decide who you want to be

This episode wraps up the Sow Series with the final step in our change process to make the decision to become who you want to be…

What does your future self act like, what are the attributes of that person that you want to become and start living like her or him TODAY

Homework: Self-reflection.

Decide who you are being, not based on what you DO… try using that  I AM statement to introduce yourself




Authentic Energy Series: Grow

Coming in 2024!!!!