
Coaching Philosophy: Discover, Believe and Achieve

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” – Socrates

Truly transformative change requires a few things of any client.


1. AWARENESS of your values, behaviors, talents, skills and fears

2. DESIRE to move toward something (The possibilities are limitless, as are you.)

3. Belief that you can and WILL

4. Create a plan and DO it!


Coaching will help to bring awareness, you must bring the desire and together we will do the rest.


The work is generally done at the point of belief and commitment. That is where doubt is seeded or friction with your values arrives and stops your forward progress. Understanding your uniqueness in these areas, helps to avoid these stops and enables you to achieve whatever you desire.


Wherever you are on your life journey, whether it is finding direction, connecting the dots or planning your next adventure…I’m here to unlock and enable you to maximize your life

Meet Whitney

Whitney combines her expertise as an executive and advisor with her training as a coach and facilitator to do the life-changing work of raising personal awareness and building personal resolve, helping her clients to build foundational skills that empower them to showcase their unique talents and lead inspirationally. 


3 things we will do together:

  1. Believe in you. Only you will ever do something the way you do it. You are special. See the your path, and manage your obstacles. 

  2. Be Creative.  Get to know your values and dreams. The answers are inside you and tapping into your imagination is the fuel that inspires. GO BIG!

  3. Do the work. You MUST show up; personal accountability and responsibility is essential to achieving your goals. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


How did I get here?

 As a young adult, with undergraduate and graduate degrees in hand, I began my career in the US Army as an Intelligence Officer. I loved the complex leader challenges and service to others that the military environment provided. Most importantly it gave me leadership and life skills that: (1) honed my self-awareness and (2) taught me the value of choosing or adapting through decision making (and the great risk of not deciding), and (3) empowered me with the confidence to be bold.


I followed that experience with more than 2 decades of leadership in tech.  During those years I truly found my passion for coaching. I grew my coaching  through variety of  experiences: performance, team, DEI, transition, executive and even a little middle school sport coaching. 


Today I work with leaders, individuals and teams to fully realize their full potential.  I focus on Leadership, Career Transitions, Productivity, Success, Building great teams, Women in Leadership, DEI including ASD and VeteranI am truly inspired by the abundance of transformation around me.  It is the most rewarding work I’ve ever done and I can’t wait to connect with you!

Fun facts

  • I live in beautiful Austin, TX with my amazing husband, our dog Luna and 2 cats, Maybe and June. We enjoy watching our wonderful children navigate the various stages of early 20s life-ing. 
  • In my free time you can find me walking/biking the local trails or somewhere learning a new skill. I am a committed serial hobbiest and road tripper.
  • I love a good challenge,  I’m infinitely curious and I don’t believe in the impossible.