Discover, Believe, Achieve!

Unlock your inner awesome and reach your true potential.

I believe we all have an inner wisdom. It lives where our head, heart and intuition meet. If we can learn to listen to that inner sense and move past our fears, we create the opportunity to become our best selves, best leaders, and achieve our best life.

Whitney Kinservik

Coaching 101

What is coaching?

Unlike mentorship and advising, coaching is meant to help you explore your potential and explore how you can unlock the potential in others. Coaching enables you to have the space to discover the tools you have at your disposal and the skills you can build in order to improve any place you want to explore. Click the button below to find out more about each service Whitney can offer you.

Where is coaching most effective?

Professional coaching is effective in any industry or stage of life where you want to experience a meaningful shift toward your vision or goal.

My clients are amazing people. They are focused on improving themselves, their teams and in turn their companies and industries.

Below are some of the companies where my clients are making an impact:

Below are some of the Industries where my clients are are making an impact:

Am I ready for coaching?

Someone ready for coaching seeks self-awareness. They look within and identify their strengths and opportunities, so they can leverage the former and address the latter. People ready for coaching are responsible and accountable. They know that every moment is an opportunity to learn and grow. Coachable people are curious. They are rooted in reality, but dream big. They know how to hear feedback, accept their shortcomings, and do the work to improve. They’re neither thin-skinned nor arrogant, they are resilient.

A few common scenarios where coaching can make an impact:
- You just took an amazing new position, it will stretch you and you want to be stretched.
- You are willing to challenge your perspectives and take risks to achieve your goals.
- You're stuck and know you have more potential than you're currently being asked for at work.
- You want your communication style to inspire collaboration and convey clarity.
- You see how to fix everything around you, but aren't being heard yet.
- Your pay does not reflect the level of work you do.
- You deeply desire to make better use of your gifts and talents.
- You have a big unrealized professional goal that you want to pursue.
- You want to overcome a personal challenge to enable you to balance your work and life.
- You feel like you are always busy, but never on what matters.

What is a Coaching Focus?

Ours lives are a series of interconnected systems and our focus areas shift as we learn and move through the seasons of our life. To maximize a coaching experience the most important thing you can do is determine a focus area.

Specific areas may look like:
- Developing a personal vision
- Identifying foundational values
- Triggers for stress or procrastination
- Build Effective communication
- Leverage core strengths
- Apply situational leadership

Find your focus! Take my free life balance assessment to discover where your biggest opportunity awaits.

Broadly my clients focus here:


Individual Coaching

One-to-one coaching is designed to bring deep focus on your awareness, inner knowing, and the change you are craving.

Group and Team Coaching

Team coaching is about working with intact teams who want to take their awareness, collaboration, and performance to the next level, together.

Workshops and Speaking

Designed to deliver a message of personal awareness, leadership and team performance. Topics may include: team trust building, mindfulness, leading through change, and leading for performance.

Let's Work Together

Not Sure? Try it! Schedule a complimentary 60 minute session and lest see what we can achieve together.